Marketing Law Firms During a Pandemic
COVID-19 has changed each aspect of our lives and each segment of the economy. Like other sectors, the pandemic has also disrupted the legal sector. Disruption provides a healthy ground for innovation and creativity. In response to the curveball thrown by COVID, law firms need to pivot their marketi...
Akanksha Bisen - 20 September 2021
Are the courts still open after the new lockdown in the UK? Find out what you can do away from home
Recently, the British government has decreed another lockdown, which will last until February. Many are asking whether the courts will remain open, and what activities they can carry out outside their homes. The courts are open for face-to-face hearings, ensuring that judges, lawyers, staff and all...
TIL - 05 January 2021 United Kingdom
New Stay Home order in California: Know how many ICU beds are available
This Thursday, December 3, the State of California has decided to issue an order of home confinement to its citizens, which will be effective 48 hours later in those regions that register less than 15% of the availability of the space destined for the ICU in the Hospitals. This order will be valid ...
Joe Goodman - 04 December 2020 United States of America
Arizona opens the door for non-lawyers to invest in law firms and provide legal advice to clients
Arizona has approved the possibility of non-lawyers owning a law firm. On the other hand, it has also opened the door for non-lawyers to provide legal advice to their clients. The Arizona Supreme Court on Thursday ruled to remove the rule that prevented non-lawyers from having a financial interest ...
Álvaro Navarro - 04 September 2020
How to plan your law firm's succession
The question of succession and renewal of staff in law firms is complicated, regardless of whether it is a large law firm, such as a medium-sized one, or a one-person firm. To help overcome this problem, Kathy Fortin and Arthur G. Greene attempt to provide ideas and solutions to all lawyers in thei...
TIL - 24 August 2020
Wills Made on Video Calls Will Soon Be Possible - But Beware the Pitfalls
In the midst of a pandemic like the one we are experiencing, many people are rethinking their legacy and trying to make a will to avoid further problems. The confinement, the disease, the restrictions on mobility. All these events make this process more and more complicated, so video calls are becom...
Fiona Lawrence - 15 August 2020
BTI Consulting explains clients´ needs regarding RFPs
According to an article issued by BTI Consulting on the 15th of July 2020, after the beginning of the transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic, clients are now issuing RFPs (request for proposals), inviting small- and medium-size firms. In the US, legal decision makers are sending their RFPs to 9 &nd...
TIL - 12 August 2020
Beirut Port Tragedy : Law relating to Dangerous Goods - The IMDG Code
The tragedy at Beirut on 5 August 2020 highlights what happens when dangerous chemicals are not stored with care. The explosion, tore through the city and, registering a force as strong as a 3.3 magnitude earthquake. Residents claimed that the scenes looked “like an apocalypse,” and that...
Philip Teoh - 06 August 2020
New Procedural Rules updates approved by the CAS
The Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) has published a new code (the "CODE") that modifies some of the rules of the arbitration procedure. This new code entered into force on July 1, 2020. The three significant modifications are as follows: - Spanish is accepted as the third language to be used...
TIL - 30 July 2020
Notable changes to the COVID-19 Guaranteed Loan Scheme for distressed businesses
High on the agenda of Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s supplementary budget speech on Wednesday 24 June was the need to support the economy as it gradually reopens as well as to get businesses moving again. Notably, Mboweni announced amendments to the COVID-19 guaranteed loan scheme that was in...
Jeff Buckland, Mahashini Govender, Kate Foster - 29 July 2020 South Africa
Public Consultation launched on the future approach for the European Union´s Arctic policy
A public consultation on the way forward for the European Union´s Arctic policy was launched on the 20th of July by the European Commission and the European External Action Service, enabling the reflection about it in face of new challenges and opportunities, for example the ambitions of the E...
TIL - 23 July 2020
Helena Samaha (President and CEO of Lex Mundi): "Equisphere is about matching Lex Mundi’s capabilities exactly to a client’s requirements"
Helena Samaha, first female president in Lex Mundi´s history, comments on The Impact Lawyer´s questions regarding the association and its new launch Equisphere. Lex Mundi is the world´s largest law firm network, providing information to its members about developments in local and g...
Christine Fuessel - 21 July 2020
Larger law firms are freezing and cutting the salaries of trainees and junior lawyers
In view of the consequences of what has happened in recent months, law firms have taken measures to mitigate losses and have temporarily reduced the salary of some of their lawyers, but have also frozen the salary of trainee lawyers.  In this case, the British firm Bird & Bird has announce...
TIL - 15 July 2020
Major reform of the road transport sector in Europe
Today, the European Parliament has announced the adoption of a major reform within the sector of road transport. The reform aims to improve drivers´ working conditions, clear rules on posting of drivers, and improve the enforcement to fight illegal practices.  Thus, revised rules are bac...
TIL - 09 July 2020
New Global Race & Ethnicity Task Force formed by Baker McKenzie
Leading global law firm Baker McKenzie announces their global task force on racial and ethnic diversity that will work across the firm´s 77 offices in 46 countries, with the aim of helping implement and operationalize programmes to advance racial and ethnic diversity. Some of the planned acti...
TIL - 08 July 2020
Are larger law firms cutting their lawyers' salaries?
Due to the consequences produced by COVID-19, many large firms have implemented measures to maintain their sustainable economy. One of the most notorious measures is the reduction of salaries among lawyers.  In this case, Simmons & Simmons announced a 20% reduction in salaries as of July. ...
TIL - 06 July 2020
Survey: How has COVID-19 impacted the states and the lawyers?
The International Bar Association (IBA) has conducted a survey of a multitude of lawyers from various countries on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of the political and judicial system in their countries. “Specifically, we inquired about invocation of emergency powers; the...
TIL - 03 July 2020
How British government is trying to recover the normality of its courts and tribunals?
The UK government has announced that it will take steps to ensure that COVID-19 protection measures are in place within the judicial facilities of courts and tribunals throughout the country.  The UK Minister of Justice has assured that they will work to install all the facilities necessary to...
TIL - 02 July 2020 United Kingdom
European Commission welcomes adoption by the European Parliament of the Taxonomy Regulation, contributing to the European Green Deal
On June 18th, 2020, The European Commission announced that they welcomed the adoption of the Taxonomy Regulation by the European Parliament. The Taxonomy Regulation is a key piece of legislation that will boost private sector investment in green and sustainable projects and thus contribute to the Eu...
TIL - 19 June 2020
Legal professionals could get an exemption for the mandatory quarantine in Hong Kong in case of large scale commercial transactions
The Government of Hong Kong has announced the mechanism for legal professionals providing the necessary professional services in relation to large scale and important commercial transactions to apply for exemption from the mandatory quarantine agreement. The Mandatory Quarantine of Certain Persons ...
TIL - 16 June 2020 Hong Kong
Precedence Favouring LandLords in India
In the backdrop of this  Pandemic,  business continuity has become a challenge with rising overheads and lack of revenue. Tenants by far are hit, as the Lockdown does not facilitate a shift in premises even if they desire with a concern of mitigating payment of rent till the crisis is over...
Prashanth Ram - 16 June 2020 India
Project Emerge by EY and Enablon aims to help companies safely navigate the transition back to the workplace amidst COVID-19
On the 4th of June, 2020, Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY) announced the launch of Project Emerge, working together with Wolters Kluwer´s Enablon, a global leader in Integrated Risk, Operational Risk and Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Management software. The aim of this collabora...
TIL - 15 June 2020
Homes will be the new offices? A new survey reveals that it may be a reality
The Kung Group has elaborated a survey entitled “How and When will America return to Work” that reveals relevant transformational remote work trends within the venture-backed companies due to the Covid-19. Relevant data shown in this survey are as follows:   70 percent of f...
TIL - 12 June 2020 United States of America
How New South Wales (Australia) courts are resuming their activity
Australia Judicial System is trying to reopen their courts. New South Wales Supreme Court has resumed face-to-face civil hearings on 1 June 2020 and will be resumed criminal jury trials from 29 June 2020. "For the first time in living memory, personal appearances were essentially banned in our cour...
TIL - 03 June 2020 Australia
Sanitary measures announced by the Court of Justice of the European Union in order to host hearings
The Court of Justice of the European Union has announced the adoption of several sanitary measures to ensure that hearings can take place from the end of May and from the beginning of June. These measures have been applied in the Court of Justice and in the General Court and concern access to the i...
TIL - 01 June 2020
At least 22 countries had requested access to the Exposure Notification API launched by Google and Apple
It has been a week since Google and Apple launched the Exposure Notification API (application programming interface) to notify the proximity of people infected by the COVID-19 virus. In recent days, 22 countries have announced that they will use this API to contain further spread of the pandemic. T...
TIL - 27 May 2020
DigitalMaas launches Small Business Support package in Australia and New Zealand, offering their software for free during the coronavirus pandemic
The leading local marketing platform DigitalMaas announced the launch of a Small Business Support package on the 22nd of May 2020. Together with some of Australia and New Zealand´s most important technology companies, they provide a free version of their cloud-based local marketing software to...
Christine Fuessel - 26 May 2020 Australia
The European Council announces the adoption of SURE, temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency
On the 19th of May 2020, the European Council adopted SURE (Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency). The European Commission (EC) proposed this new temporary scheme, which allows for financial assistance of up to EUR 100 billion in the form of loans from the European Union to affecte...
TIL - 25 May 2020

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