04 June 2021

Race Talks: How Jackson Lewis raises awareness of racial inequality


Jackson Lewis fights racial inequality through its educational programme RACE Talks

The issue of race has been a relevant topic in the legal sector for a couple of years now. In addition to citizens, law firms have also been active in advocating against the current racial inequality

In order to improve the existing racial inequality in the legal sector, Jackson Lewis P.C. and the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) have developed the education programme "RACE Talks: Realign Act Change Engage". The 10-week programme aims to educate and raise awareness about racial equality. 

The goal of RACE Talks is to educate participants so that they can promote long-term change in racial inequality in the legal sector. 

This course also helps to dismantle prejudices: 

"Participants were open, honest and vulnerable at every step of the programme. Some shared that they were shocked by their biases, while others said they were not," says Tanya A. Bovée, director of the office of the director. Bovée, director of the Jackson Lewis office in Hartford (USA) and a member of the firm's Board of Directors. 

RACE Talks is developed through articles, video clips and podcasts, learning to identify processes taken by institutions that have been influenced by racism and prejudice. 

In order to make this Jackson Lewis-driven programme really work, its creators devised methods to increase concentration. "We use breathing to focus our mind and nervous system," says Michael D. Thomas, a lawyer who heads the Los Angeles office of the US firm. 

In short, the content of the RACE Talks programme is as follows: Basic knowledge, communication and emotional resources, putting knowledge into practice, motivation and prioritisation and, finally, racial awareness. 

As an ultimate goal, the creators of this programme that wants to tackle racial inequality aim for participants to learn and raise awareness through self-reflection. Participants contribute to increasing their knowledge on this issue through constructive group discussions.

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