Andrew Litchfield

Partner Gowling WLG

Andrew Litchfield helps clients to manage risk and avoid regulatory criminal offences, minimise the cost and disruption of criminal investigations if something does go wrong and guides cases through the courts to protect the clients' brand. Businesses need to manage risk effectively to meet regulatory requirements. Andrew uses his expertise to advise clients on pragmatic, sensible and effective ways to prevent issues arising.

It's vital to take effective action in the hours immediately after an incident. Andrew works with clients from the outset, supporting them and adopting the right tone with investigators. This means setting the incident in context and establishing an atmosphere of cautious co-operation, especially if interviews under caution are involved.

Andrew has wide experience of regulatory investigations, including by the police, Health and Safety Executive, Environment Agency, local authority and Coroner. His knowledge of their different powers and processes is critical to protecting clients' interests throughout an enquiry. He works for clients across many sectors - care, natural resources, manufacturing, retail and food and drink for example - and understands the compliance challenges of the modern world.

If criminal charges are brought, Andrew works through the legal and commercial implications to offer realistic and practical advice. He regularly conducts advocacy in inquests and in the criminal courts, where his clear and concise explanations ensure that cases and decisions are considered in the correct context.


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